Marie Augustine Magdeleine PORTALISAge: 91 years1787–1878
- Name
- Marie Augustine Magdeleine PORTALIS
- Given names
- Marie Augustine Magdeleine
- Surname
Birth | February 13, 1787 34 |
Birth of a sister | Marie PORTALIS about 1791 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Magdeleine GILLAUMIER December 12, 1792 (Age 5 years) Source: AD13 - BMS La Ciotat |
Birth of a brother | Jean Joseph Benoit PORTALIS March 6, 1793 (Age 6 years) Citation details: BMS de la Ciotat |
Death of a brother | Jean Joseph Benoit PORTALIS June 30, 1800 (Age 13 years) Age: 7 Citation details: BMS de La Ciotat |
Death of a father | Sauveur Antoine PORTALIS before October 3, 1808 (Age 21 years) Note: Mention sur acte de mariage de Marie Augustine |
Death of a mother | Madeleine CRUVELIERE October 3, 1808 (Age 21 years) Source: AD13 - BMS La Ciotat Text: Mention sur acte de mariage de Marie Augustine |
Death of a sister | Marie PORTALIS September 24, 1809 (Age 22 years) Citation details: BMS de la Ciotat |
Marriage | Joseph Pierre GOURRIN — View this family December 11, 1816 (Age 29 years) Citation details: BMS de La Ciotat |
Death of a brother | Honoré Laurent PORTALIS October 21, 1863 (Age 76 years) Address: 20, rue de la Tasse |
Death of a sister | Cécile Claire Pascale PORTALIS November 11, 1873 (Age 86 years) |
Death | October 29, 1878 (Age 91 years) Citation details: BMS de La Ciotat |
Family with parents |
father |
Sauveur Antoine PORTALIS Birth: June 3, 1752 50 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: before October 3, 1808 |
mother |
Madeleine CRUVELIERE Death: October 3, 1808 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
Marriage: October 21, 1782 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
4 years herself |
Marie Augustine Magdeleine PORTALIS Birth: February 13, 1787 34 — La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE Death: October 29, 1878 — Rue ste Anne, La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
-3 years elder brother |
Honoré Laurent PORTALIS Birth: August 9, 1784 32 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE Death: October 21, 1863 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
7 years younger sister |
Marie PORTALIS Birth: about 1791 38 Death: September 24, 1809 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
2 years younger brother |
Jean Joseph Benoit PORTALIS Birth: March 6, 1793 40 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE Death: June 30, 1800 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
sister |
Cécile Claire Pascale PORTALIS Death: November 11, 1873 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
Family with Joseph Pierre GOURRIN |
husband |
Joseph Pierre GOURRIN Birth: July 30, 1787 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
herself |
Marie Augustine Magdeleine PORTALIS Birth: February 13, 1787 34 — La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE Death: October 29, 1878 — Rue ste Anne, La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
Marriage: December 11, 1816 — , La Ciotat, 13600, Bouches-du-Rhône, FRANCE |
Marriage | AD13 - Acte de mariage Gourrin - Portalis - 1816 Citation details: BMS de La Ciotat |
Death | AD13 - Acte de décès de Marie Portalis - 1878 Citation details: BMS de La Ciotat |