Jean François DOUSSANAge: 55 years1677–1732
- Name
- Jean François DOUSSAN
- Given names
- Jean François
- Surname
Birth | about 1677 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Marie Madeleine DOUSSAN March 25, 1708 (Age 31 years) Note: mention sur table, au relevé de l'acte de décès :
'age 10 jours' |
Death of a daughter | Marie Madeleine DOUSSAN April 4, 1708 (Age 31 years) Source: AD84 - 1 MI - EC 4/1 - GG5 p50 |
Birth of a daughter #2 | Jeanne Marie DOUSSAN February 28, 1709 (Age 32 years) Note: mention sur table, au relevé de l'acte de décès:
'age 5 jours' |
Death of a daughter | Jeanne Marie DOUSSAN March 4, 1709 (Age 32 years) Source: AD84 - 1 MI - EC 4/1 - GG5 p56 |
Christening of a daughter | Catherine Rose DOUSSAN January 8, 1719 (Age 42 years) Godmother: Catherine MAUVIN — Relationship Source: AD84 - 1 MI - EC 4/1 - GG6 |
Death | July 6, 1732 Age: 55 years Source: AD84 - 1 MI - EC 4/1 - GG6 p49 |
Family with Marie PORTALIS |
himself |
Jean François DOUSSAN Birth: about 1677 Death: July 6, 1732 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
wife |
Marie PORTALIS Birth: , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: March 14, 1750 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
daughter |
Jeanne Marie DOUSSAN Birth: February 28, 1709 32 30 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: March 4, 1709 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
-11 months daughter |
Marie Madeleine DOUSSAN Birth: March 25, 1708 31 29 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: April 4, 1708 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
11 years daughter |
Catherine Rose DOUSSAN Christening: January 8, 1719 42 39 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |