Bonnaventure PORTALISAge: 70 years1747–1817
- Name
- Bonnaventure PORTALIS
- Given names
- Bonnaventure
- Surname
Family with parents |
father |
Jean PORTALIS Birth: June 4, 1684 49 42 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
mother | |
Marriage: about 1740 — |
4 months elder sister |
Anne Agnes PORTALIS Birth: May 5, 1740 55 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: November 20, 1744 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
22 months elder sister |
Esprit Thérèse PORTALIS Birth: February 23, 1742 57 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
2 years elder brother |
Antoine Pascal PORTALIS Birth: April 3, 1744 59 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: November 26, 1821 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
3 years himself |
Bonnaventure PORTALIS Birth: July 14, 1747 63 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: October 20, 1817 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
3 years younger sister |
Marie Thérèse PORTALIS Birth: November 9, 1750 66 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: August 30, 1779 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
Father’s family with Elisabeth AUTARD |
father |
Jean PORTALIS Birth: June 4, 1684 49 42 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
step-mother | |
Marriage: about 1708 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
5 months half-sister |
Françoise PORTALIS Christening: June 10, 1708 24 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: September 27, 1708 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
5 years half-brother |
Jean Pierre PORTALIS Birth: about 1712 27 Death: January 3, 1772 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
5 years half-brother |
Phillipe PORTALIS Christening: May 22, 1717 32 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: July 27, 1717 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
Father’s family with Jeanne CHABERT |
father |
Jean PORTALIS Birth: June 4, 1684 49 42 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
step-mother | |
Marriage: February 19, 1718 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
8 months half-sister |
Catherine Félicité PORTALIS Christening: October 26, 1718 34 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: July 30, 1725 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
2 years half-brother |
Laurent PORTALIS Christening: November 7, 1720 36 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: November 9, 1720 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
10 months half-sister |
Anne Marie PORTALIS Christening: September 21, 1721 37 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: October 6, 1721 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
1 year half-sister |
Catherine PORTALIS Christening: September 19, 1722 38 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
3 years half-sister |
Rose PORTALIS Christening: July 29, 1725 41 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
3 years half-sister |
Jeanne Marie PORTALIS Christening: March 6, 1728 43 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: July 22, 1730 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
2 years half-sister |
Marie PORTALIS Christening: February 24, 1730 45 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
22 months half-sister |
Jeanne Marie PORTALIS Christening: December 27, 1731 47 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
4 years half-sister |
Marguerite PORTALIS Christening: November 20, 1735 51 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: January 6, 1736 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
13 months half-brother |
Fiacre PORTALIS Birth: December 19, 1736 52 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: February 20, 1737 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
Family with Magdelaine SERRES |
himself |
Bonnaventure PORTALIS Birth: July 14, 1747 63 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: October 20, 1817 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
wife | |
Marriage: April 18, 1780 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
13 years daughter |
Marie PORTALIS Christening: April 22, 1793 45 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
-12 years daughter |
Marie PORTALIS Christening: December 11, 1780 33 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: August 23, 1781 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
17 months daughter |
Marie Thérèse PORTALIS Christening: April 29, 1782 34 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: August 19, 1783 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
18 months daughter |
Marie PORTALIS Christening: October 29, 1783 36 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: August 25, 1785 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
23 months son |
Jean Joseph PORTALIS Christening: October 6, 1785 38 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: July 23, 1787 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
2 years son |
Bernard PORTALIS Christening: about 1787 39 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: July 25, 1787 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
16 months son |
Jean Marc Claude PORTALIS Christening: April 26, 1788 40 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: July 18, 1788 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |
2 years son |
Pierre Joseph PORTALIS Christening: June 16, 1790 42 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE Death: July 2, 1790 — , Aubignan, 84810, Vaucluse, FRANCE |