Françoise Antoinette FULCONISAge: 19 months1783–1785
- Name
- Françoise Antoinette FULCONIS
- Given names
- Françoise Antoinette
- Surname
Birth | December 14, 1783 28 30 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 7 E 17/5 |
Death | July 28, 1785 (Age 19 months) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 7 E 17/5 |
Family with parents |
father |
Benoit Joseph FULCONIS Birth: April 13, 1755 30 24 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: April 18, 1794 — , Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE |
mother |
Marguerite Rose SICARD Birth: August 12, 1753 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: January 28, 1847 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Not married: 1783 — |
11 months herself |
Françoise Antoinette FULCONIS Birth: December 14, 1783 28 30 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: July 28, 1785 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Father’s family with Anne Françoise EINAUD |
father |
Benoit Joseph FULCONIS Birth: April 13, 1755 30 24 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: April 18, 1794 — , Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE |
step-mother |
Anne Françoise EINAUD Birth: March 20, 1766 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Marriage: June 19, 1787 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
18 months half-sister |
Antoinette FULCONIS Birth: 1788 32 21 |
2 years half-brother |
Benoit François FULCONIS Birth: 1789 33 22 |
3 years half-sister |
Françoise Joséphine FULCONIS Birth: 1791 35 24 |
Birth | AD83 - Acte de naissance de Françoise Fulconis - 1783 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 7 E 17/5 |
Death | AD83 - Acte de décès de Françoise Fulconis - 1785 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 7 E 17/5 |