Johann Friendrick Albert AMSLERAge: 49 years1837–1886
- Name
- Johann Friendrick Albert AMSLER
- Given names
- Johann Friendrick Albert
- Surname
Birth | about 1837 |
Marriage | Sarah Marie Evelyne PORTALIS — View this family yes |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Alice Louise Jane AMSLER about 1875 (Age 38 years) |
Residence | |
Death | 1886 (Age 49 years) Note: Était de nationalité suisse |
Family with Sarah Marie Evelyne PORTALIS |
himself |
Johann Friendrick Albert AMSLER Birth: about 1837 — , Schinznach Dorf, , Aargau, SUISSE Death: 1886 — , , , , ENGLAND |
wife |
Sarah Marie Evelyne PORTALIS Birth: about 1851 42 28 — , Beyrouth, , , LIBAN Death: October 21, 1936 — , Watford, , Hertfordshire, ENGLAND |
Marriage: — |
daughter |
Alice Louise Jane AMSLER Birth: about 1875 38 24 — , Beyrouth, , , LIBAN Death: 1950 — , Oxford, , Oxfordshire, ENGLAND |
Death | Était de nationalité suisse |
Media object | Albert_AMSLER-1837-1886.jpg Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,411 × 1,929 pixels File size: 364 KB Type: Photo Note: Document Alice Elisabeth Noray |