Claire Victoire PORTALISAge: 52 years1706–1759
- Name
- Claire Victoire PORTALIS
- Given names
- Claire Victoire
- Surname
Birth | October 20, 1706 30 26 Citation details: BMS de Toulon, registre 7 E 144/34, vue 140 |
Birth of a sister | Catherine PORTALIS about 1710 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a sister | Anne Hélène PORTALIS November 12, 1710 (Age 4 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset - registre 2 MI EC 421 R1, f428/517 |
Death of a sister | Anne Hélène PORTALIS December 10, 1710 (Age 4 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset - registre 2 MI EC 421 R1, f429/517 |
Birth of a sister | Marguerite PORTALIS about 1711 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a brother | Jacques Melchior PORTALIS November 22, 1712 (Age 6 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MIEC 421 R1, f474 / 517 |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Hélène BOUTIER August 20, 1714 (Age 7 years) Citation details: 2 MI EC 421 R1 - REGISTRE EN LIGNE MICROFILMÉ |
Birth of a sister | Thérèse PORTALIS November 26, 1715 (Age 9 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC742 |
Birth of a brother | François Joseph PORTALIS March 4, 1718 (Age 11 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC742 |
Birth of a sister | Anne Gabrielle Geneviève PORTALIS January 1, 1720 (Age 13 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC742 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Melchior PORTALIS September 7, 1724 (Age 17 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1 MIEC 743 |
Marriage | François EYNAUD — View this family November 23, 1736 (Age 30 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC744 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Catherine Françoise EYNAUD March 4, 1743 (Age 36 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC745 |
Death of a father | François PORTALIS July 26, 1749 (Age 42 years) Citation details: AD83 - 2 MI EC 422 R1- REGISTRE EN LIGNE MICROFILMÉ |
Death of a sister | Thérèse PORTALIS June 8, 1751 (Age 44 years) Citation details: BMS La Cadière, registre 7 E 29/11 |
Death of a sister | Marguerite PORTALIS December 16, 1751 (Age 45 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MI EC 422 R1 Note: femme de sr André BARBAROUX, agée d'environ 40 ans |
Death of a mother | Catherine AUDIBERT November 6, 1752 (Age 46 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC746 |
Death | July 4, 1759 (Age 52 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC746 |
Family with parents |
father |
François PORTALIS Birth: November 15, 1675 27 25 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: July 26, 1749 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
mother |
Catherine AUDIBERT Birth: December 15, 1679 — , Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE Death: November 6, 1752 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Marriage: November 23, 1701 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
5 years herself |
Claire Victoire PORTALIS Birth: October 20, 1706 30 26 — Paroisse Ste Marie, Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE Death: July 4, 1759 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
4 years younger sister |
Catherine PORTALIS Birth: about 1710 34 30 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
10 months younger sister |
Anne Hélène PORTALIS Birth: November 12, 1710 34 30 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: December 10, 1710 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
14 months younger sister |
Marguerite PORTALIS Birth: about 1711 35 31 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: December 16, 1751 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
23 months younger brother |
Jacques Melchior PORTALIS Birth: November 22, 1712 37 32 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: July 8, 1788 — , La Cadière d'Azur, 83740, Var, FRANCE |
3 years younger sister |
Thérèse PORTALIS Birth: November 26, 1715 40 35 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: June 8, 1751 — , La Cadière d'Azur, 83740, Var, FRANCE |
2 years younger brother |
François Joseph PORTALIS Birth: March 4, 1718 42 38 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: after January 19, 1790 |
22 months younger sister |
Anne Gabrielle Geneviève PORTALIS Birth: January 1, 1720 44 40 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Family with François EYNAUD |
husband | |
herself |
Claire Victoire PORTALIS Birth: October 20, 1706 30 26 — Paroisse Ste Marie, Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE Death: July 4, 1759 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Marriage: November 23, 1736 — Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
6 years daughter |
Catherine Françoise EYNAUD Birth: March 4, 1743 36 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Birth | AD83 - Acte de naissance de Claire Victoire Portalis Citation details: BMS de Toulon, registre 7 E 144/34, vue 140 |
Marriage | AD83 - Acte de mariage Eynaud-Portalis - 1736 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC744 |
Death | Acte de décès de Claire Portalis - 1759 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC746 |