Paul PORTALISAge: 0 days1692–1692
- Name
- Given names
- Paul
- Surname
Birth | January 26, 1692 44 37 Citation details: BMS Toulon, paroisse St Marie, registre 7 E 144/19 |
Birth of a brother | Pierre PORTALIS January 26, 1692 (on the date of death) Citation details: BMS Toulon, paroisse St Marie, registre 7 E 144/19 |
Death of a brother | Pierre PORTALIS January 26, 1692 (on the date of death) Citation details: BMS Toulon, paroisse St Marie, registre 7 E 144/19 |
Death | January 26, 1692 Citation details: BMS Toulon, paroisse St Marie, registre 7 E 144/19 |
Family with parents |
father |
François PORTALIS Birth: January 12, 1648 35 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: September 29, 1720 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
mother |
Catherine LEGIER Birth: November 9, 1654 — Paroisse Ste Marie, Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE Death: August 5, 1705 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Marriage: February 17, 1671 — , Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE |
11 months elder brother |
Antoine PORTALIS Birth: January 18, 1672 24 17 Death: January 20, 1672 |
13 months elder brother |
Antoine PORTALIS Birth: February 2, 1673 25 18 Death: February 2, 1673 |
14 months elder sister |
Marguerite PORTALIS Birth: April 13, 1674 26 19 Death: about July 13, 1674 |
16 months elder sister |
Catherine PORTALIS Birth: August 5, 1675 27 20 Death: January 26, 1751 — Paroisse Ste Marie, Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE |
16 months elder brother |
François PORTALIS Birth: December 5, 1676 28 22 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
17 months elder brother |
Antoine PORTALIS Birth: May 7, 1678 30 23 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: April 22, 1756 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
17 months elder brother |
Joseph PORTALIS Birth: October 20, 1679 31 24 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: April 13, 1682 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
16 months elder sister |
Marie PORTALIS Birth: February 10, 1681 33 26 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
18 months elder brother |
Joseph PORTALIS Birth: August 9, 1682 34 27 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
13 months elder sister |
Marguerite PORTALIS Birth: September 4, 1683 35 28 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: April 1762 |
18 months elder brother |
Dominique PORTALIS Birth: March 17, 1685 37 30 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
2 years elder brother |
Jean PORTALIS Birth: May 23, 1687 39 32 Death: July 1693 |
21 months elder brother |
Benoit PORTALIS Birth: February 11, 1689 41 34 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: August 4, 1689 |
13 months elder sister |
Thérèse Suzanne PORTALIS Birth: March 7, 1690 42 35 |
23 months twin brother |
Pierre PORTALIS Birth: January 26, 1692 44 37 — , Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE Death: January 26, 1692 — , Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE |
himself |
Paul PORTALIS Birth: January 26, 1692 44 37 Death: January 26, 1692 |
2 years younger sister |
Isabelle (Elisabeth) PORTALIS Birth: May 12, 1694 46 39 — , Toulon, 83000, Var, FRANCE Death: July 7, 1759 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
younger sister |
Barbe PORTALIS Birth: May 12, 1694 46 39 Death: June 16, 1694 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
Birth | AD83 - Acte de naissance et décès de Pierre et Paul Portalis - 1692 Citation details: BMS Toulon, paroisse St Marie, registre 7 E 144/19 |
Death | AD83 - Acte de naissance et décès de Pierre et Paul Portalis - 1692 Citation details: BMS Toulon, paroisse St Marie, registre 7 E 144/19 |