Généalogie de la famille Portalis

Polixène DECOREISAge: 67 years17091776

Given names
Birth May 8, 1709 48 26
Marraine Polyxène Martelly
Birth of a sisterThérèse DECOREIS
July 24, 1711 (Age 2 years)
Death of a brotherJean Joseph DECOREIS
August 18, 1711 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterAnne Françoise DECOREIS
November 11, 1713 (Age 4 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherThérèse DELIALBIS
May 16, 1718 (Age 9 years)
Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC742
Birth of a sisterClaire DECOREIS
March 28, 1719 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a brotherElzéar Joseph DECOREIS
May 25, 1720 (Age 11 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherEstienne PORTALIS
May 3, 1723 (Age 13 years) Age: 79

Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC743
Note: ... âgé de septante neuf ans ...
Death of a fatherAntoine DECOREIS
March 27, 1740 (Age 30 years) Age: 79 years
Death of a motherThérèse PORTALIS
March 25, 1749 (Age 39 years)
Death of a sisterAnne Françoise DECOREIS
August 21, 1762 (Age 53 years)
Death May 10, 1776 (Age 67 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 8, 1701
10 months
elder brother
Charles Jean DECOREIS
Birth: October 4, 1702 41 19, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
Death: October 1, 1705, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
18 months
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
Jean Joseph DECOREIS
Birth: May 15, 1706 45 23, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
Death: August 18, 1711, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
16 months
elder sister
20 months
Birth: May 8, 1709 48 26, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
Death: May 10, 1776, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
2 years
younger sister
Birth: July 24, 1711 50 28, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
Death: July 6, 1792, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
2 years
younger sister
Anne Françoise DECOREIS
Birth: November 11, 1713 52 30, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
Death: August 21, 1762, Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE
5 years
younger sister
14 months
younger brother

BirthAD83 - BMS Ollioules - Relevés de Mme Tillé, Mr et Mme Rotger
Marraine Polyxène Martelly
DeathAD83 - BMS Ollioules - Relevés de Mme Tillé, Mr et Mme Rotger