Jean Nicolas Hubert Gaston PORTALISAge: 62 years1883–1945
- Name
- Jean Nicolas Hubert Gaston PORTALIS
- Given names
- Jean Nicolas Hubert Gaston
- Surname
Birth | January 23, 1883 |
Marriage | Renée Paule Gabrielle Ernestine PORTALIS — View this family yes |
Occupation | sous Délégué pour le Békaa à la Délégation Générale de France au Levant Note: Mention sur acte de décès |
Residence | |
Distinctions | Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur December 28, 1928 (Age 45 years) |
Décorations | Croix de Guerre |
Death | November 13, 1945 (Age 62 years) |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother | |
Marriage: — |
himself |
Jean Nicolas Hubert Gaston PORTALIS Birth: January 23, 1883 — , Beyrouth, , , LIBAN Death: November 13, 1945 — , Beyrouth, , , LIBAN |
Family with Renée Paule Gabrielle Ernestine PORTALIS |
himself |
Jean Nicolas Hubert Gaston PORTALIS Birth: January 23, 1883 — , Beyrouth, , , LIBAN Death: November 13, 1945 — , Beyrouth, , , LIBAN |
wife |
Renée Paule Gabrielle Ernestine PORTALIS Death: March 31, 1968 — , Beyrouth, , , LIBAN |
Marriage: — |
Occupation | Mention sur acte de décès |