François PORTALISAge: 66 years1697–1763
- Name
- François PORTALIS
- Given names
- François
- Surname
Birth | June 17, 1697 43 36 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MI EC 421 R1, f147/517 |
Birth of a brother | Jean Baptiste PORTALIS September 14, 1699 (Age 2 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MIEC 421 R1, f188 / 517 |
Birth of a sister | Thérèse PORTALIS August 21, 1701 (Age 4 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MI EC 421 R1, f224 / 517 |
Death of a brother | Jean Baptiste PORTALIS May 29, 1702 (Age 4 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MIEC 421 R1, f242 / 517 |
Death of a father | Antoine PORTALIS November 7, 1706 (Age 9 years) Age: 52 years Citation details: BMS du Beausset - registre 2 MI EC 421 R1, f341/517 Note: L'acte de décès pourrait concerner l'autre Antoine Portalis, né en 1658, fils d'Annibal.
Mais l'age de 52 ans correspond exactement, et nous savons qu'Antoine était décédé avant 1713, lors du mariage de son fils Joseph. |
Birth of a brother | Benoit PORTALIS about 1710 (Age 12 years) |
Death of a brother | Anthoine PORTALIS December 31, 1720 (Age 23 years) Age: 24 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC743 |
Death of a mother | Jeanne GUIGOU February 13, 1738 (Age 40 years) Age: 77 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC744 |
Death of a brother | Joseph PORTALIS September 26, 1751 (Age 54 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MIEC 422 R1 Text: ... a été enseveli dans la tombe de ses ancêtres ...
Death of a sister | Elisabeth PORTALIS November 7, 1751 (Age 54 years) Citation details: AD83 - 2 MI EC 422 R1- REGISTRE EN LIGNE MICROFILMÉ Text: Demoiselle Elisabeth a été ensevelie dans la tombe de ses ancêtres...
Death of a sister | Magdelene PORTALIS July 10, 1752 (Age 55 years) Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 1MIEC746, vue 73 |
Death | September 16, 1763 (Age 66 years) Age: 66 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MIEC 423 R1 |
Family with parents |
father |
Antoine PORTALIS Birth: about 1654 41 Death: November 7, 1706 |
mother |
Jeanne GUIGOU Birth: about 1661 Death: February 13, 1738 — Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Marriage: February 2, 1678 — , Six-Fours les Plages, 83140, Var, FRANCE |
20 months elder sister |
Marguerite PORTALIS Birth: October 4, 1679 25 18 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: before 1690 |
15 months elder brother |
Joseph PORTALIS Birth: December 28, 1680 26 19 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: September 26, 1751 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
2 years elder sister |
Magdelene PORTALIS Birth: March 21, 1683 29 22 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: July 10, 1752 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
7 years elder sister |
Marguerite PORTALIS Birth: June 6, 1690 36 29 — , Le Beausset, 83330, VAR, FRANCE |
14 months elder sister |
Marie Anne PORTALIS Birth: July 29, 1691 37 30 — , Le Beausset, 83330, VAR, FRANCE |
14 months elder sister |
Elisabeth PORTALIS Birth: September 23, 1692 38 31 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: November 7, 1751 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
17 months elder sister |
Gabrielle PORTALIS Birth: February 15, 1694 40 33 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: August 3, 1696 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
2 years elder brother |
Anthoine PORTALIS Birth: February 7, 1696 42 35 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: December 31, 1720 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
16 months himself |
François PORTALIS Birth: June 17, 1697 43 36 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: September 16, 1763 — Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
2 years younger brother |
Jean Baptiste PORTALIS Birth: September 14, 1699 45 38 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE Death: May 29, 1702 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
23 months younger sister |
Thérèse PORTALIS Birth: August 21, 1701 47 40 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
9 years younger brother |
Benoit PORTALIS Birth: about 1710 56 49 — , Le Beausset, 83330, Var, FRANCE |
Birth | AD83 - Acte de naissance de François Portalis - 1697 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MI EC 421 R1, f147/517 |
Death | AD83 - Acte de décès de François Portalis - 1763 Citation details: BMS du Beausset, registre 2 MIEC 423 R1 |