Etienne, Alexandre, PORTALISAge: 42 years1807–1850
- Name
- Etienne, Alexandre, PORTALIS
- Given names
- Etienne, Alexandre,
- Surname
Birth | August 21, 1807 36 25 Source: AMAE - Acte de mariage |
Birth of a brother | Nicolas PORTALIS about 1809 (Age 16 months) Note: Agé de 31 ans, en 1840, lors de la déclaration de décès de Marie GAY, fileuse à Btater, native du Luc en Diois, morte de la peste. |
Birth of a brother | Antoine Fortuné PORTALIS 1816 (Age 8 years) Note: Les 6 enfants sont en vie lors de son décès en 1882.
L'héritage comprend entre autres la filature de Btâter.
La filature est dite maison 'Portalis frères', au nom de laquelle au moins Nicolas et Fortuné ont passé des actes. |
Birth of a sister | Marie-Thérèse PORTALIS July 3, 1818 (Age 10 years) Source: AMAE - Acte de naissance |
Death of a father | Jean PORTALIS September 16, 1828 (Age 21 years) Source: AMAE - Acte de décès |
Death of a mother | Françoise VITALY April 4, 1836 (Age 28 years) |
Marriage | Adélaïde MICHEL — View this family October 8, 1840 (Age 33 years) Note: On trouve les publications du mariage à Alep et à Alexandrie. |
Birth of a son #1 | Jean, Fortuné, Alfred PORTALIS September 8, 1841 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a son | Jean, Fortuné, Alfred PORTALIS July 18, 1842 (Age 34 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Edouard, Jean, Louis PORTALIS February 6, 1843 (Age 35 years) Source: AMAE - Acte de naissance |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Françoise, Charlotte, Emma PORTALIS April 24, 1844 (Age 36 years) Source: AMAE - Acte de naissance |
Death of a daughter | Françoise, Charlotte, Emma PORTALIS August 1, 1846 (Age 38 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Edmond PORTALIS January 21, 1847 (Age 39 years) |
Occupation | négociant à Alep (Syrie) |
Death | February 23, 1850 (Age 42 years) |
Birth of a daughter #5 | Marie, Anne PORTALIS November 2, 1851 (20 months after death) |
Family with parents |
father |
Jean PORTALIS Birth: about 1771 27 — , Tiné, , , GRECE Death: September 16, 1828 — , Alexandrie, , , EGYPTE |
mother |
Françoise VITALY Birth: about 1782 — , Tiné, , , GRECE Death: April 4, 1836 — , Alexandrie, , , EGYPTE |
himself |
Etienne, Alexandre, PORTALIS Birth: August 21, 1807 36 25 — , Tiné, , , GRECE Death: February 23, 1850 — , Alep, , , LIBAN |
brother | |
younger brother |
brother | |
younger brother |
Birth: 1816 45 34 — , Tiné, , , GRECE Death: February 9, 1882 — , Btater, , , LIBAN |
3 years younger sister |
Marie-Thérèse PORTALIS Birth: July 3, 1818 47 36 — , Alexandrie, , , EGYPTE |
Family with Adélaïde MICHEL |
himself |
Etienne, Alexandre, PORTALIS Birth: August 21, 1807 36 25 — , Tiné, , , GRECE Death: February 23, 1850 — , Alep, , , LIBAN |
wife |
Adélaïde MICHEL Birth: August 19, 1817 — , Alep, , , LIBAN |
Marriage: October 8, 1840 — , Alep, , , LIBAN |
11 months son |
Jean, Fortuné, Alfred PORTALIS Birth: September 8, 1841 34 24 — , Alep, , , LIBAN Death: July 18, 1842 — , Alep, , , LIBAN |
17 months son |
Edouard, Jean, Louis PORTALIS Birth: February 6, 1843 35 25 — , Alep, , , LIBAN |
15 months daughter |
Françoise, Charlotte, Emma PORTALIS Birth: April 24, 1844 36 26 — , Alep, , , LIBAN Death: August 1, 1846 |
3 years son |
Edmond PORTALIS Birth: January 21, 1847 39 29 — , Alep, , , LIBAN Death: July 1, 1899 — , Saida, , , LIBAN |
5 years daughter |
Marie, Anne PORTALIS Birth: November 2, 1851 44 34 — , Alep, , , LIBAN Death: April 14, 1852 — , Alep, , , LIBAN |
Marriage | On trouve les publications du mariage à Alep et à Alexandrie. |
Note | Eut une fille qui se maria avec Nakhlé Zbati, notable de Saïda. |