Etienne PORTALISAge: 12 years1876–1888
- Name
- Etienne PORTALIS
- Given names
- Etienne
- Surname
Birth | about 1876 28 Note: Dû à un accident de sport |
Birth of a sister | Angèle, Marie, Magdeleine, Adélaide PORTALIS September 14, 1876 |
Birth of a sister | Renée PORTALIS about 1887 (Age 11 years) |
Death | 1888 Age: 12 years |
Family with parents |
father |
Edmond PORTALIS Birth: January 21, 1847 39 29 — , Alep, , , LIBAN Death: July 1, 1899 — , Saida, , , LIBAN |
mother | |
Marriage: September 29, 1874 — |
2 years himself |
Etienne PORTALIS Birth: about 1876 28 Death: 1888 |
8 months sister |
Angèle, Marie, Magdeleine, Adélaide PORTALIS Birth: September 14, 1876 29 — , Beyrouth, , , LIBAN |
11 years younger sister |
Renée PORTALIS Birth: about 1887 39 |
Birth | Dû à un accident de sport |