Charles Jean DECOREISAge: 2 years1702–1705
- Name
- Charles Jean DECOREIS
- Given names
- Charles Jean
- Surname
Birth | October 4, 1702 41 19 |
Birth of a brother | Jean Antoine DECOREIS March 24, 1704 (Age 17 months) |
Death | October 1, 1705 (Age 2 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Antoine DECOREIS Birth: about 1661 Death: March 27, 1740 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
mother |
Thérèse PORTALIS Birth: about 1683 39 32 Death: March 25, 1749 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
Marriage: December 8, 1701 — |
10 months himself |
Charles Jean DECOREIS Birth: October 4, 1702 41 19 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE Death: October 1, 1705 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
18 months younger brother |
Jean Antoine DECOREIS Birth: March 24, 1704 43 21 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
2 years younger brother |
Jean Joseph DECOREIS Birth: May 15, 1706 45 23 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE Death: August 18, 1711 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
16 months younger sister |
Marianne DECOREIS Birth: September 15, 1707 46 24 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
20 months younger sister |
Polixène DECOREIS Birth: May 8, 1709 48 26 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE Death: May 10, 1776 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
2 years younger sister |
Thérèse DECOREIS Birth: July 24, 1711 50 28 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE Death: July 6, 1792 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
2 years younger sister |
Anne Françoise DECOREIS Birth: November 11, 1713 52 30 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE Death: August 21, 1762 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
5 years younger sister |
Claire DECOREIS Birth: March 28, 1719 58 36 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |
14 months younger brother |
Elzéar Joseph DECOREIS Birth: May 25, 1720 59 37 — , Ollioules, 83190, Var, FRANCE |